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ENC 1101: Written Communication - Thompson: Getting Started

SCF Library resources for Professor Thompson's assignment on impact of technology in careers.

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ENC1101 Thompson - Assignment

"Technology and its impact on a career in the 21st Century" 

Prof. Thompson's assignment includes the steps listed below.

This Library Guide provides resources for the steps marked in bold.

  • Step 1: Selecting general topic
  • Step 2: Preliminary research (Academic Search Complete)
  • Step 3: Research question and thesis
  • Step 4: Mode of development
  • Step 5: Sub points
  • Step 6: Formal research
  • Step 7: Working bibliography
  • Step 8: Flag evidence
  • Step 9: Expand research
  • Step 10: Working thesis paragraph and outline
  • Step 11: First paragraph draft
  • Step 12: Documentation
  • Step 13: Full first draft
  • Step 14: Edit
  • Step 15: Proofread

Steps 1 and 2: Preliminary research

The following database includes articles in a variety of topics, use it to see how much information there is about your general topic. Try using different keywords, synonyms, or combinations of keywords to explore different results:

The following database is about careers. It explains the requirements and overview of each career. The sections about "outlook" of a career might give you hints on topics related to the impact of technology:

The following websites (not databases, these are sites from the web) about research, ideas, and advances might help you select a career and discover topics to explore:

Step 6: Formal research

Once you have narrowed down your topic, you need research articles about it.

Some of the following databases will have information, depending on your specific topic. Read the tips below each to decide which ones to try first.

Don't forget to ask a librarian if your search is not being successful!

One more: streaming videos!

The following database (Films on Demand) includes a lot of videos about many topics related to careers and technology.

For Step 7: The Annotated Bibliography

What's an Annotated Bibliography?



Means you make a list of sources of information (articles, books, etc.) about a specific topic, cited in a standard citation style (like MLA) and alphabetized.



Means you write a NOTE under each article, book, or item listed, that explains what it is about and how it will be used in the assignment or research essay.


How do I make one?


Step 1: Get citations

Gather all your sources (articles, books, websites, etc.) and create their citations in MLA.

You can use the citation tools from the databases, but remember to COPY/PASTE & CORRECT, or check with a librarian.


Step 2: List your citations

List the citations in alphabetical order, in a page titled "Annotated Bibliography".

The citations should be indented with a "hanging indentation" and double spaced, with no extra spaces between lines.


Step 3: Write notes

Under each citation, write a paragraph that summarizes what's about, explains how it's useful for your topic, what part of the article you are going to use, etc.

Important: Your professor usually gives you directions on what they want you to write in the notes/annotations. Check their instructions!


Steps 7 and 12: Citing your sources

Documenting your research: Avoid plagiarism!

  • Always cite the sources you use, even if you "paraphrase" (put it into your own words.)
  • If you copy+paste the citation provided in the database's "Citation Tool", check the rules and CORRECT any mistakes.
  • When in doubt... ask a librarian!

Citing Guides

Link to Citing Guides


Test how much you learned!

Quiz - Prof. Thompson - ENC1101 - Spring 2023