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Student AI & Chat Bot Guidance

Practical advice and information for students on AI & Chat Bot usage and ethics.

ChatGPT speaks

On 3/17/23 an SCF Librarian asked ChatGPT about the topics covered on the preceding page to see what it had to say for itself. This date is provided as a reference point as this service is periodically updated and future versions may behave differently either as a result of new programming or new data.

As per the description provided by OpenAI this particular version of the AI is based on GPT 3.5. Because the AI is updated periodically, some features of this conversation could become outdated. Note in particular the frequent reminders of its limitations. It was confirmed in a separate interaction with the AI that this was recently implemented after test users reported alarming experiences using the AI.

This transcript was edited to omit the interviewer's username and to improve legibility. The phrasing of the questions and responses were not altered in any way.

What is a Chatbot?


How would you explain to someone who is not very technical what a Chatbot is and how it works? 


Sure, I'd be happy to help with that! 

A chatbot is a computer program designed to have conversations with humans. You can think of it as a virtual assistant that communicates with you via messaging or speech. Chatbots use artificial intelligence to understand the user's intent and respond accordingly. 

To understand how a chatbot works, imagine having a conversation with a friend. Your friend asks you a question, and you respond with an answer. Similarly, when you interact with a chatbot, it will ask you questions or respond to your queries. The difference is that instead of a human friend, you're talking to a computer program that has been programmed to simulate a conversation with you. 

Chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand the meaning behind your words and respond appropriately. This means that the chatbot can understand the context of the conversation and respond with relevant information. 

For example, if you were to ask a weather chatbot "What's the weather like today?", it would understand that you're asking about the current weather conditions and respond with the relevant information. Similarly, if you were to ask a travel chatbot "What are the best places to visit in London?", it would understand that you're looking for travel recommendations and provide you with the relevant information. 

Overall, chatbots are designed to provide a more personalized and efficient way of interacting with technology. They can be used for a wide range of tasks, from customer service to shopping assistance, and are becoming increasingly popular as more businesses adopt this technology. 

Chatbot reliability


Could you briefly describe how reliable your service is for people seeking accurate information? 


As an AI language model, my responses are based on the vast amount of information I've been trained on, and my aim is to provide accurate and relevant information to the best of my abilities. However, as with any technology, there is always the possibility of errors or inaccuracies in my responses. 

It's also important to note that my responses are generated based on the input I receive, and I don't have access to information beyond what's available on the internet. Therefore, the accuracy of my responses may also depend on the quality and reliability of the sources from which I draw information. 

That being said, I strive to be as reliable as possible and continually learn from user interactions to improve my responses. Ultimately, it's up to the user to evaluate the accuracy and relevance of the information provided and to seek additional sources if necessary. 

Spotting AI writing


Thank you, I appreciate the candor. 


You're welcome! It's important to be transparent about the capabilities and limitations of AI language models like me. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask! 


Could you briefly tell me how could a person tell the difference between something that has been written by an AI such as yourself and a human writer? 


While AI language models like me have become more advanced and sophisticated in recent years, there are still some key differences between our writing and that of a human writer. Here are a few things that might give away that a piece of writing has been generated by an AI: 

  1. Lack of emotional depth: AI language models are not capable of expressing emotions in the same way that humans are. While we can mimic certain tones and sentiments, our responses may lack the nuance and complexity of human emotions. 

  1. Repetitive phrasing: Because AI language models are trained on vast amounts of data, we may sometimes generate responses that include repetitive or formulaic phrasing. While this can be useful in some contexts, it can also make our writing seem less organic and more formulaic. 

  1. Lack of creativity: While AI language models can generate responses that are relevant and accurate, we are not capable of true creativity. Our responses are based on patterns and associations within the data we've been trained on, rather than genuine inspiration or originality. 

  1. Errors and inconsistencies: While AI language models strive for accuracy, there may be times when we generate responses that contain errors or inconsistencies. This is because we are not perfect and may make mistakes based on the data we've been trained on. 

Overall, while AI language models like me have made great strides in recent years, there are still some key differences between our writing and that of a human writer. If you're unsure whether a piece of writing was generated by an AI, some clues to look for include lack of emotional depth, repetitive phrasing, lack of creativity, and errors or inconsistencies.

Plagiarism and Chatbots


Would using an AI or ChatBot on a student assignment be considered plagiarism? 


Using an AI or ChatBot to generate content for a student assignment without proper attribution would be considered plagiarism. It's important to note that any content created by an AI or ChatBot is still considered intellectual property and must be properly cited if used in an academic or professional setting. 

While AI language models like me can be useful tools for research and generating ideas, it's important for students to understand the ethical and legal implications of using such tools. In academic settings, it's generally expected that students will generate their own ideas and write their own papers using proper citation practices. 

If a student uses an AI or ChatBot to generate content for an assignment, they should be transparent about the use of such tools and properly attribute any content generated by the AI. Failure to do so could result in charges of plagiarism, which could have serious consequences for academic and professional careers. 

Chatbot Ethics


Besides plagiarism, are there any other considerations that students should think about before using a ChatBot for an assignment? 


Yes, there are several other considerations that students should keep in mind before using a ChatBot for an assignment: 

  1. Accuracy and reliability: While ChatBots can be a useful tool for generating ideas and gathering information, they are not always reliable sources of information. Students should carefully evaluate the accuracy and reliability of any information provided by a ChatBot and seek out additional sources if necessary. 

  1. Quality of work: While ChatBots can help generate content, they may not always produce work of the same quality as a human writer. Students should carefully evaluate the quality of any content generated by a ChatBot and ensure that it meets the standards expected by the assignment. 

  1. Learning outcomes: Assignments are typically designed to help students develop specific skills and knowledge. If a student uses a ChatBot to generate content for an assignment, they may miss out on the opportunity to develop these skills and knowledge. 

  1. Ethical considerations: As mentioned earlier, using a ChatBot to generate content without proper attribution is considered plagiarism. Students should also consider the ethical implications of using ChatBots in academic settings and ensure that their use of such tools is consistent with academic integrity and ethical standards. 

Overall, while ChatBots can be a useful tool for students, they should be used thoughtfully and with consideration for the academic and ethical implications. Students should carefully evaluate the accuracy and quality of any content generated by a ChatBot, consider the learning outcomes of the assignment, and ensure that their use of such tools is consistent with ethical and academic standards. 

AI creativity in a galaxy far, far away.

Author's note: The interviewer decided to ask the AI one final question outside of the realm of academics and scholarship to see how it would do with something a bit more fun and abstract.


Great answers. On an unrelated topic, if Disney were to make new Star Wars movies, what do you think they should be about? 


As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or preferences, but I can suggest some possible ideas for new Star Wars movies based on the existing lore and fan speculation: 

  1. Exploration of the ancient Jedi Order: The Star Wars universe has a rich history and mythology surrounding the Jedi Order, which could be explored in more detail in a new movie. This could involve delving into the teachings and practices of the Order, as well as exploring their relationships with other groups in the galaxy. 

  1. The rise of a new threat: The Star Wars universe is full of dangerous villains and threats, and a new movie could introduce a new antagonist or group of antagonists. This could involve exploring their motivations and backstory, as well as the challenges faced by the heroes in combating them. 

  1. The aftermath of the events of the original trilogy: The events of the original Star Wars trilogy had far-reaching consequences for the galaxy, and a new movie could explore the aftermath of these events. This could involve examining the impact on different planets and societies, as well as the rebuilding efforts of the Rebel Alliance and the rise of new factions. 

  1. The search for lost artifacts: The Star Wars universe is full of powerful and mystical artifacts, and a new movie could explore the search for these objects. This could involve a team of heroes traveling to different planets and encountering new challenges as they seek to recover these objects and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. 

These are just a few possible ideas for new Star Wars movies, and there are countless other directions that a new movie could take. Ultimately, it would be up to the writers and creative team to decide what direction to take the franchise in.