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Latino-American & Hispanic Heritage

Celebrations of Hispanic Heritage and Latino Heritage at the State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota

Organizations in Manatee, Sarasota & surrounding areas

Gulf Coast Latin Chamber of Commerce

The Gulf Coast Latin Chamber of Commerce is an independent, non-profit, voluntary association of professionals and business owners united in purpose for the development and progress of the Hispanic business community in the Florida Gulf Coast area and those that wish to do business with the Hispanic business community.


Unidos Now

Unidos Now is incorporated as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, with the goal of elevating the quality of life of the Hispanic/Latino community through education and, in doing so, elevating the quality of life of the entire community. Our Vision: Empowering Latinos to achieve their American Dream / Fortaleciendo a los latinos para lograr su Sueño Americano.


Project Light (Literacy Center of Manatee)

Project Light is a volunteer nonprofit dedicated to providing free adult English language and literacy instruction to empower students with the skills and tools they need to more fully participate in, and contribute to the community.


Hispanic Services Council:

Hispanic Services Council is a community-based organization working to improve the quality of life of all Hillsborough County residents by promoting academic success of children and youth, preparing individuals to excel in today's workforce, supporting the development of healthy communities and promoting leadership and engagement among Latinos.