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Wide ranging credible scholarship on many topics. Literature, short stories, poetry, science and social sciences are well covered. This is a great database to begin research. It is a sound academic replacement for Wikipedia.
Environmental case studies, scholarly articles, images and more. Complete, colorful and well laid out. Sound source for speech, presentations and research papers on the environment.
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Understand today’s crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Contains thousands of editorials and opinions from renowned newspaper sources and offers in-depth articles presenting both sides of an issue clearly, coherently, and without bias.
Scholarly journals indexed in MEDLINE, covering the biomedical and health fields, including clinical care, public health and health policy development.
Essays and research from major reference titles. Provides scholarship on popular topics through out the decades. Uses the face and actions of culture to explain political, social and person issues.