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ENC 1101: Written Communication - Lupinacci: Assignment Guide


Hello ENC1101!

I'm Janie, your librarian.

Feel free to visit me in the library (building 3!) or email me!

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Janie Richardson
Bradenton Campus, Bldg 3, Library and Learning Center

Library skills

Research Process

Starting the process:

  1. Read the assignment carefully
  2. Identify the assignment requirements 
    • What do you need to find/ research?
    • Citation requirement?
    • Paper length?
    • Sources?
  3. Use the Research Companion to get started

The research process:

  1. Choose some databases that may be helpful
  2. Choose your keywords - identify synonyms and try some different searches
  3. Organize and evaluate information - is it relevant? from a scholarly source?
  4. Write draft, proofread, and ensure all citations are included
  5. CITE anything you take from sources!
    • Websites, articles from databases, videos, etc.
    • Basically, cite anything that is not your own!


General Databases:
Argumentative Databases

Additional Resources

How to use the library!

ENC1101 - Library Information