Use the following SCF Library databases to search for scholarly articles.
Click on the database title to open it and search for your topic.
Use keywords, instead of long sentences, in the database search box. For example, you can search for "sports industry" ,"financial principles", "professional sports"
Try variations of the words or synonyms. For ex: marketing or promotion, company or organization, etc.
Narrow down your search results by format (journal articles, magazines, reference, images, etc.) or by date.
If the following databases don't have enough for your topic, try another from the "A-Z Databases" list, or Ask a Librarian for more assistance!
Contains financial reports, company comparisons, industry profiles, SWOT reports, market share and financial reports. Also includes, company histories.
Business Source Complete is a database for full-text journals in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics.
Comprehensive coverage for regional business news for more than 40 active U.S. and Canadian business publications. Full-text coverage dating back to 1990.