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Library of Things

This guide has information about all the technology, gadgets, and other accouterments available for checkout from SCF Libraries.

Library of Things Information

The Library of Things Collection

SCF students & staff can check out the following items at the Library's Front Desk.

See library staff or contact Ask a Librarian if you are interested in reserving any of the items from the Library of Things collection. 

Please note that loan periods and availability vary by campus. 

Circulating Bone Boxes

Circulating Bone Boxes


Box 1: Axial Skeleton 

Box 1: Axial Skeleton 24 vertebra, sacrum, coccyx

24 vertebra from neck to pelvis - includes thoracis
vertebra that is shared by the appendicular skeleton,
not hyoid bone- sacrum, coccyx

Box 2: Axial Skeleton

Box 2: Axial Skeleton Skull and hyoid bone

Skull and hyoid bone

Box 3: Articulated Hand and Foot 

Box 3: Articulated Hand and Foot

Articulated hand and wrist joints. Articulated foot with
cuneiform, tarsal, metatarsal, cuboid, phalange, and cuboid bones

Box 4: Axial Skeleton 

Box 4: Axial Skeleton 24 Ribs,

24 Ribs - 12 left and 12 right- costal cartilage, sternum

Box 5 & 6: Appendicular Skeleton-right side 

Box 5 & 6: Appendicular Skeleton-right side

Clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, pelvic girdle, femur, patella, tibia, fibula


Dental School Models

Teeth Models for the SCF Dentistry Program 

model of teeth      Teeth Models 32 pieces

Full Skeletons

Dewey, the Bradenton skeleton

This is Bob, the Bradenton campus library's full skeleton.

He enjoys poetry, jet skiing, and being dead.  

Available for in-library use only






This is Napoleon BONEapart, he resides at the Venice campus library. 

Halloween is his favorite holiday and he always

gets dressed up to hand out candy.

He likes Death by Chocolate ice cream and

pictures of hedgehogs.

Available for in-library use only

Vladimir, the Venice campus skeleton


Other Items


  • Lab Coats & Goggles
  • Physical Therapy Massage Table

Anatomy Databases

Check out the databases below for more anatomy resources!