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ENC 1101: Written Communication - Blackman



Welcome to the SCF Libraries Research Guide for

ENC 1101 Professor Blackman

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JSTOR Assignment

Compare and contrast two scholarly sources from the JSTOR database. Both sources should be related to each other in some way in topic, for an easier comparison Analyze both sources using the web of rhetoric and critical reading skills we've practiced in class, and then tell me which source you think is the most useful for research on their given topic. This assignment should be at least 900 words, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1" margins. 


Max Points 

Word Count: Meeting or exceeding the required word count indicated on the assignment page, as per Gordon Rule requirements. 

8 points 

Conventions of English: Little to no grammar or spelling mistakes, format is correct: double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. 

9 points 

Content: For JSTOR Essay-Choosing two articles from the JSTOR database to compare/contrast. 

9 points 

Analysis: All major writing assignments have some element of analysis. Students should have executed this analysis based on the text, and drawn conclusions based on evidential support.  

20 points 

Works Cited: All major writing assignments should be turned in with an attached Works Cited page in proper MLA format. 

15 points 

In-Text Citations: All direct quotes and paraphrases should be cited within the body of your paper as they appear.  

14 points