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ENC 1101: Written Communication - Blackman



Basic rules for citing most sources: 

  • Works cited must be double spaced and have a hanging indent. This means that each subsequent line after the first line of your citation should be indented by 0.5 inches.

  • Alphabetized by the first listed author. 

    • If same author, list sources in alphabetical order. 

  • In the titles of articles, books, webpages and most other sources capitalize each word, unless it is an article (the, an), preposition, or conjunction, unless it is the first word of a title: The Art of War, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, To Kill a Mockingbird. 

Citing In-Text

"In-text" means citing the source of information in the body of the text, for example: 

  • In the text of an essay
  • In the outline of a speech 
  • In the slide of a powerpoint 

Every time you cite a source in your text there has to be a corresponding citation in the Work Cited page at the end of your essay or assignment. 


Works Cited

Every item on the Works Cited page MUST be used and cited in text of your paper. All items should be listed in alphabetical order.

The words Works Cited should appear on the very top line, on a new page, at the end of your paper, with the alignment set to center. Include the one inch margins, last name, and page number header that you have for the rest of the paper.

All lines after Works Cited should be left aligned, only the title will be centered. The first line in each entry must be fully left aligned then every line after that should be indented by a half inch(0.5), known as the Hanging indent. Make sure that the entries are all double spaces. 

Work Cited Entry Core Elements:

  1. Author.
  2. Title of Source. (Book, chapter, article title, etc.)
  3. Title of container, (Book, periodical, journal, website, etc.)
  4. Other contributors, (Editors, translators, narrators, directors, etc.) 
  5. Version,
  6. Number,
  7. Publisher,
  8. Publication date,
  9. Location. (Page numbers, URL/DOI numbers)

Each element should be followed by the corresponding punctuation mark as shown in the above list. 

List authors using last name first, followed by first name, then middle name or middle initials when possible. Do not list titles (Dr., Sir, Honorable) or degrees (PhD, MA, DDS) with the names. Do include suffixes (Jr. II, III),

Example of a citation: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be listed as "King, Martin Luther, Jr."