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Book Awards for Children and Young Adults

Recommended readings based on the most important awards given to literature in the U.S. and the World.

Coretta Scott King Award (African American)

The Coretta Scott King Awards

Seal of the Coretta Scott King Book Award medal

Designed to commemorate the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and to honor Mrs. Coretta Scott King for her courage and determination to continue the work for peace, the Coretta Scott King Book Awards annually recognize outstanding books for young adults and children by African American authors and illustrators that reflect the African American experience.


Attention SCF!

The Family Heritage House Museum, located in the SCF Bradenton Library & Learning Center, has the complete collection of all the Coretta Scott King Award winners for text and illustration for the past 50+ years! There are a few places in the world with a complete collection. To find out more, visit the FHH website or call Kathie Marsh, (941) 752-5319.


The following books are available to check out from the SCF Libraries:

2022 Coretta Scott King Medal (Author & Illustrator)

2021 Coretta Scott King Award (Author)

2021 Coretta Scott King Award (Illustrator)

2020 Coretta Scott King Award (Author):

2020 Coretta Scott King Award (Illustrator):