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CHM 2045 : Chemistry - Prof. Melanie Wright

General Chemistry Lab

CHM 2045L Topics

TOPICS for CHM 2045L

TOPICS:  Aerosols released after the destruction of the World Trade Center | Carbohydrates | Cellular respiration | Colloids (Graham) | Detergents | Electrochemistry | Enzymes | Equilibrium ( Haber, LeChalier) | Gas Laws | Lipids | MRI | Nanoparticles | Nuclear Chemistry | Proteins | Smog Spectroscopy | Wet Strength in Paper ( wet strength )


TOPICS:  Acids and Bases ( Arrhenius, Lavoisier and Lewis) | Chemical warfare, explosives ( Haber, Le Chatelier) | Discovery of the elements (Berzelius, Bunsen, Curie, Davy, Gay-Lassac, Lavoisier, Priestly, Seaborg) Suggested search: Chemical Elements | Entropy, enthalpy and Gibb’s free energy | Fertilizer chemistry | Odor control

Also, use General Science Full Text above.

TOPICS:  Covalent Bonding, Valence theory (Berzelius, Kekule, Langmuir, Lewis, von Liebig, Pauling ), Hot air ballooning (Gay-Lussac, Mendeleev) (Suggestion: balloon, aeronautics, chemistry)


TOPIC:  A prescription drug’s effects in the body ( choose one or two )
