What is a database?
A database is an electronic archive of various materials that are usually but not always organized around a central theme or discipline. Some are not specific any particular subject area and are intended to be comprehensive.
What is a scholarly article?
A scholarly article is an essay, paper, book chapter etc. that has been published in a peer reviewed source such as a journal or scholarly book.
What is peer review?
Peer review is a process by which experts on a topic review a work before publication to check for errors and determine whether the overall quality of the submission meets high standards.
These databases are more likely to contain information that is relevant to engineering. Other databases not listed may also be relevant but depending on your goals, you may find that these databases are more focused.
Engineering Resources
Entrepreneurship Elective Resources
All Purposes Research Tools & Databases
These databases are searchable archives of articles, journals, research papers, references, images, videos, and other media. Some but not all material qualifies as primary sources or scholarly / peer reviewed sources.
For best results try searching for different combinations of words and phrases related to your topic and use the tools available in advanced search to sort results by type of source, subject, publication date and more.
Tip: Start here if you're finding the entire research / writing process confusing or intimidating.
Tip: This database also allows you to browse topics and sources if you're not exactly sure what you're looking for.
Tip: Come here when you can't find what you need in more narrowly focused databases. Video tutorial available.
Tip: Features "hot" issue reports that are helpful for finding interesting topics for research and gaining a basic familiarity with the issue.
Tip: Excellent resource for discovering controversies and exploring different points of view about meaningful issues.
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