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SLS 1301: Career Explorations: SCF Libraries - Career Resources

SCF Libraries - Career Resources

SLS 1301 - Career Explorations

Welcome to the library guide for SLS 1301 Career Explorations. This guide will be a tool to help you with your research and class projects. If you have questions please reach out on Ask a Librarian.

blackboard with word bubbles about careers

Suggested keywords for searching the catalog and databases

Here are some sample keywords to use in Quick Search or in the databases to find career information:
  • Career AND [type] (e.g., Career AND agriculture)
  • Vocational guidance AND [career field] (e.g., vocational guidance AND nursing)
  • Employment AND [major] (e.g., employment AND computer science)
  • Some other search terms to try: jobs, occupations, professions, career development, career choice
Check out these tutorials to get started on your search  

Recommended Reading

College Majors and Careers book cover
The a-Z of Careers and Jobs book cover
Top 100 Careers for College Graduates, Seventh Edition book cover
Land Your Dream Career in College book cover