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ENC 1102: Written Communication11 - Blackman

ENC 1102 Writing Assignment


1200 Words; Times New Roman; Double Spaced; 12 pt Font; 1" margins

This paper will involve a more hefty research quotient than our previous assignments. However, it will not look like the “traditional” research paper you might be used to. Instead, this paper should take the form of a narrative. That is, you will describe the process by which you go about your research, the kind of questions you wanted to answer through research and the steps you took to answer those questions. Your possible topics will include the following:

· An author you find interesting and who you’d like to learn more about.

· A story, poem, or play that has an interesting context you’d like to explore in depth (in other words, does the story make any interesting references?)

· A story, poem, or play with some kind of interesting history you’d like to explore in depth

· A story, poem, or play with an interesting setting you’d like to explore in depth

· A story, poem, or play that you simply like and would like to learn more about how critics have looked at it. (In other words, do professional critics see the story the same way you do?)