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ENC 1101: Written Communication-LaSalle

What is this page? (Databases)

The following are the most frequently recommended databases for ENC1101 assignments.

A database is a digital collection of informational works and can include anything from articles, images, video, audio, data sets and more.

The types of content can range from news items, personal accounts, scholarly works (including peer reviewed articles), and more.

Beginning search tips:

Less is more.

Start with a basic idea, not more than 1 or 2 words and see what types of results you get.

Depending on the quality and relevance of your results, you may want to modify your search terms by swapping out terms with synonyms or adding more terms for more specificity.

Finally, be aware of "filters" - tools that let you screen out different categories of item or favor a category you want to focus on.

Recommended Databases