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Information Literacy

Resources for aligning our instruction and assessment with the SCF Library's Student Learning Outcomes

ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education

SCF Library Student Learning Outcomes for Information Literacy

ACRL Framework & Dearing Assessment

In 2018-2019, the Academic Assessment Committee and Academic Assessment Work Group at SCF proposed a reorganization of the structure for assessment in the College, with the goal of creating a unified system for organizing and reporting assessment across all programs. 

This new organization is based on a super-structure according to four Dearing Categories.

In order to align library instruction with the new system, the SCF Librarians created a crosswalk between the academic libraries' assessment rubric (ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education) and the new structure of Dearing Categories.

A potential alignment between these two frameworks is explained in the following document:

ACRL Framework for Information Literacy

ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education

To learn more about the Framework, and how it can be implemented, please visit our Framework page.

In 2015, the Association of College & Research Libraries established a new Information Literacy Framework for Higher Education. The Framework includes six core concepts, or frames, also known as “threshold” concepts. These concepts act as gateways to understanding information literacy. The six frames are:

  • Authority Is Constructed and Contextual
  • Information Creation as a Process
  • Information Has Value
  • Research as Inquiry
  • Scholarship as Conversation
  • Searching as Strategic Exploration