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Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Books

The library has books available for you to supplement your textbooks and serve as extra resources for research. They can be found in print and eBook formats. If something on the lists below appeals to you, click to view it in the catalog. There you can see more information about shelving location, requesting it, or, in the case of eBooks, accessing the digital copy.

For more books, you can search by author, title, or topic using the Quick Search Bar on our homepage.

If you are on campus and browsing, here are some quick tips about the Library of Congress classification system:

The majority of medical texts will have a spine label that starts with "R"

Books pertaining to therapy are found in "RM"

Occupational and Physical Therapy topics are clustered between RM695 and RM893

But related topics may fall outside this field such as Rehabilitation Therapy which is found in RM930.

An even more comprehensive list can be found here.

Print Books