Need something more specific? Visit the "Examples" page in MLA Handbook Plus to see a variety of different types of MLA paper and find one that best fits your task.
Basic format for student papers in MLA 8th edition.
1-inch margins on each side
12-pt legible font (Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri recommended)
Header is student's last name followed by page numbers in the upper right corner
No title page unless requested by your instructor
In upper left-hand corner using double-spaced text list:
Your name
Instructor's name
The course code and title
Write title of paper using Title Case (standard capitalization) and center the text of the title
Indent the first line of each paragraph one half-inch (.05) by using the "Tab" key
Works Cited page in alphabetical order by authors' last names, double-spaced, with a hanging indent.
Print on white 8.5/11" paper.
Pronouns: Singular pronoun "they/their" accepted.
Example: A person should enjoy their vacation.
Punctuation: One space after a period.
In text citations: Include the author name and the page number, with 2 authors, cite both. Sources with 3 authors and more, cite first author and use "et al."
Every item on the Works Cited page MUST be used and cited in text of your paper. All items should be listed in alphabetical order.
The words Works Cited should appear on the very top line, on a new page, at the end of your paper, with the alignment set to center. Include the one inch margins, last name, and page number header that you have for the rest of the paper.
All lines after Works Cited should be left aligned, only the title will be centered. The first line in each entry must be fully left aligned then every line after that should be indented by a half inch(0.5), known as the Hanging indent. Make sure that the entries are all double spaces.
Work Cited Entry Core Elements:
Each element should be followed by the corresponding punctuation mark as shown in the above list.
List authors using last name first, followed by first name, then middle name or middle initials when possible. Do not list titles (Dr., Sir, Honorable) or degrees (PhD, MA, DDS) with the names. Do include suffixes (Jr. II, III),
Example of a citation: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be listed as "King, Martin Luther, Jr."
For multiple resources by the same author, list the entries in alphabetical order by title. You can use three hyphens in place of the authors name for every entry after the first.
Make sure the journal titles look exactly as they are written in the journal.
Capitalize all major words in journal titles.
For article titles, chapters, and websites, capitalize only:
Journal and Book titles are italicized. Article titles, chapters and websites are not italicized, either underline or presented with quotation marks.
Here are some video tutorials to assist with your paper: