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Writing and Citing: APA 7th Edition: Tables and Figures

A guide to help users create citations using American Psychological Association Style, 7th edition.

Tables and Figures

In APA 7, a Table is a gridded numerical representation of values, or textual information. 

Figures are charts, graphs, and other visual items that are not considered Tables.

APA looks for self-created tables and graphs, which can be done in Excel and imported into your paper or presentation.

Since they are created by the author, Tables and Figures do NOT require an entry on the References page, only in-text under the table or figure.


Figure Format

Figure format is used most often for citing Images in Text and Presentations. 

For APA Style Papers, make sure to provide a Figure number and title. Under the image, you can describe the image if there is no attribute or write the copyright attribute in the figure Note.

For Presentations, the Figure number, title, and note are optional. The citation still needs to be listed in the Reference page. 

Here is an example of a proper Figure citation:

Figure 1.

Lemur in the wild

Note. From Black and white Ruffled Lemur [Photograph], by M. Appel, 2016, (

Table Examples