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ENC 1101: Written Communication: Gravano

Starting Page for All ENC1101 Courses

ENC 1101 - Professor Gravano

Welcome to the assignments and research guide for ENC 1101 Prof. Gravano.

If you have a question please email or stop by the Bradenton Campus Library, Building 3.

Getting Started


Click on the box for a brief overview of the SCF Library website

Website overview tutorial placard

Citing Guide

Documenting your research: Avoid plagiarism!

  • Always cite the sources you use, even if you "paraphrase" (put it into your own words.)
  • If you copy+paste the citation provided in the database's "Citation Tool", check the rules and CORRECT any mistakes.
  • When in doubt... Ask a Librarian!

Citing Guides

MLA style tutorial thumbnail

Recommended Databases

Click on box for instructions on how to starts using the EBSCO databases

*Note* Databases owned by different companies have different formats but all generally have the same search tools. If you have trouble with a database please contact Ask a Librarian. 

Basic search in Ebsco Databases tutorial

Learning Review

QR code for Fall 22 ENC 1101 Gravano