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ENC 1101: Written Communication: Rogers

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Issues in My Discipline Essay Steps 1-3

Need help with step 1-3 (selecting a research topic, brainstorming research questions, and looking for sources)? Try looking at these databases for ideas!

Not finding what you need? Click here for a full list of SCF databases.

Or search the library catalog here.

Be sure to refer to Canvas reading for 'Conducting Research', 'How to Identify Academic/Scholarly Sources', and 'Evaluating Sources'

Additionally, be sure to ask me if you still need help!


Additional General Research Databases

Issues in My Discipline Essay Step 4

The Annotated Bibliography

Upon completing research, prepare an ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY of the sources; an annotated bibliography is simply a summary of the source with the bibliographic citation used as the title (you practiced bibliographic citations with the APA Exercise; see Canvas for an example Annotated Bibliography). Each source summary should be 200-300 words in length.

Issues in My Discipline Essay Step 5

APA Citation