The SCF Libraries participate in Inter Library Loan, where SCF borrows materials from other libraries for patrons to borrow.
The SCF Libraries recommend working with a librarian to facilitate these requests.
Items from libraries in the shared catalog are requested online.
Lending restrictions are set by the lending institution and may be recalled at anytime.
Items requested from the OCLC World Share Discovery tool typically come from institutions other than Florida Academic Libraries.
Lending restrictions are set by the lending institution and may be recalled at anytime.
Patrons are responsible for replacing or paying any fines for lost or damaged materials, and these fines are set by the lending institution.
The SCF Library will support materials requested by the DRC (Disability Resource Center), Dean of Students, or the Coordinator of Student Support or the Director, Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence and Online Learning.
Upon request, SCF Library books can be mailed to:
distance students who do not come to campus and who live outside Manatee, Sarasota and Charlotte Counties.
Students are required to work with a librarian to ensure:
that there isn't an online resource already available
prompt delivery of SCF Library books.
Currently there is no fee for this support and Students will be provided pre-paid return mailing packaging.