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ENC 1101: Written Communication: Lewis

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Welcome to the Library Guide for ENC1101 - Prof. Lewis 

I am Maria, your ENC1101 librarian. If you have questions, send me an email, or ask for me at the

Lakewood Ranch Learning Commons Rm 122


Assignment: Research and report on a college major, its differing pathways and coursework expectations at various universities, and the prospective careers available in this field. 

  • Use a third person, objective voice in your narrative, avoiding personal judgments about the information you are presenting.  

  • Maintain proper MLA style for documentation, including a Works Cited page.  

  • Cite a minimum of six valid and varied sources. 

  • Complete a report of 5-8 typed pages, though visual representations or graphics may add to the paper’s length. 

Choosing a Topic - One key to writing an effective research paper is selecting a subject of interest. Your topic must focus on a specific major. Consider whether you will be able to gather enough information about the topic and whether the field will hold your interest. 

Possible Majors to Investigate: 

  • Biomedical Engineering 

  • Biochemistry 

  • Computer and Information Sciences 

  • Software Engineering 

  • Environmental Engineering 

  • Civil Engineering 

  • Petroleum Engineering 

  • Applied Mathematics 

  • Mathematics 

  • Physics 

  • Civics  

  • Robotics 

  • Agricultural Engineering 

  • Health and Biotechnology 

  • Pre-Law 

  • Quantum Engineering 

  • Business Administration and Management 

  • Psychology 

  • Economics 

  • Communication Studies 

  • Liberal Arts 

  • Fine Arts 

  • Drama and Theater Arts 

  • Film, Video, and Photographic Arts 

  • Commercial Art and Graphic Design 

  • Architecture 

  • Philosophy 

  • English Literature and Language 

  • Journalism 

  • Anthropology and Archeology 

  • Hospitality Management 

  • Music 

  • History 

  • Political Science and Government 

  • Nursing 

  • Child and Family Studies 

  • Education 

  • Social Work 

  • Culinary Arts 

  • Religious Studies 

  • Athletic Training  

Research Paper: Checklist of Deadlines 


____ Select a Topic inspired by the list provided or from your own interests. For homework due Friday, June 10, you must find and bookmark at least two articles that discuss this major. The quality and credibility of these sources will be critiqued in class.  


____ Analyze Quality of Sources. Be sure to bring access to your materials.  


____ Review Citation Guidelines for the research paper, taking notes on the proper style for various types of citations and paraphrasing. Examine MLA guidelines for details.  


____ Conduct Research on Topic during class. Take notes and organize your research, citing sources, paraphrasing, and recording direct quotations. Also be sure to continue your research at home and in the lab or library. Focus on finding reputable sources.  


____ Create a Proposal based on the example discussed in class.  


____ Submit Proposal typed in proper format; discuss your topic, sources, and ideas for the paper. (6/11) 


____ Continue to Gather Relevant Content from a variety of sources, including—but not limited to—newspaper/magazine articles, books, reputable on-line sources, interviews, polling, and other research methods.  


____ Create an Outline for the research paper, developing a more focused thesis, main points, and strong, specific evidence from your sources. Organize all material logically, identifying main ideas and facts, including direct quotations and citations.  

____ Develop Introduction (1) gaining the reader’s attention, (2) clearly identifying the thesis of your research, (3) introducing main points and (4) lead smoothly into body.  


____ Write 1st Draft of Research Paper meeting all requirements.  


____ Submit 1st Draft for Teacher Conference to ensure that the research paper (1) asserts a focused thesis regarding a collegiate major, (2) uses an objective third person voice, (3) uses a variety of documented sources, and (4) makes supported claims and conclusions regarding the topic. (6/18)  


____ Submit 1st Draft to Tutoring and Academic Success Center to receive feedback on the interest level of the opening, clarity of the writing, depth of content, quality of source use, and accuracy of citations. Reviews must be completed before final draft. 


____ Revise 3rd Draft for writing style and accuracy, including checking for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Check for accurate documentation.  


____  Submit Final Copy. The completed research paper should be typed using MLA style in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, using 1-inch margins. Each page should be numbered in the upper right-hand corner, with your last name before each page number. Type your name, instructor’s name, course title, and date in the upper left-hand corner of the first page. Center the title. Include tables, graphs, charts, and graphics. Make sure Works Cited page is 100 percent correctly formatted and accurate in its information. (6/22 by 11:59 p.m.) 


____ Proofread again before submitting your error-free paper to  

Recommended Databases

CRAAP test


Documenting your research: Avoid plagiarism!

  • Always cite the sources you use, even if you "paraphrase" (put it into your own words.)
  • If you copy+paste the citation provided in the database's "Citation Tool", check the rules and CORRECT any mistakes.
  • When in doubt... ask a librarian!

Citing Guides

Link to Citing Guides